I've Got To Have Something To Show For In September
I've had a lot to do lately. It's put quite a dent in my blog entry creation time. Not that I or anyone else has to blog. It's not like respiration or sex.
Yes people, like sex. Sex has to be had. HAS. TO. I've gone without for long stretches of time. I know what I am talking about here. Just trust me. DSB (Deadly Semen Buildup) can be a crippling and debilitating affliction.
........Mom, if you have in fact found my blog and are actively reading it, yes I have the sex. And no, I don't blame you if you disown me now or never let me come over for Thanksgiving dinner anymore.
Before I got on the random tangent train, I was trying to convey that I am going to work on getting back into the swing of bloggery. The long list o' stuff to do is getting closer to ending, so I need to get back to this world o' words.
But first a little private moment of jubilation;
If you've ever designed your own wedding invitations and then put all the designed pieces together by hand, you know what I am talking about. I haven't felt this relieved since Zoom and I finally went and got our taxes done last year.
But more importantly, it official people. We are really getting married.
Either that, or we spent thousands of dollars and invited a hundred or so people to a really fancy party just cuz'.